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Friday, Jan. 10
The Indiana Daily Student

opinion oped editorial

EDITORIAL: Dear President Obama

We have a lot to thank you for and would like to take a moment to do so before you end your term.

Not everyone has loved you, and that’s fair. We all have differing opinions, but know that the general populous is grateful for the time we’ve shared.

Thank you for being our first black president.

Thank you for introducing the nation to a beautiful family that has inspired millions like yours.

You’ve changed the nation. Thanks to your leadership, our country has become more accepting as a whole. Thank you for taking steps to allow anyone to marry whomever they want, regardless of sexual orientation, gender and religion. Thank you for letting love win.

We acknowledge that you did your best in giving Americans affordable health care, but we also know it did not work out so well. Your intentions were noble, and you did succeed in making it mandatory. You succeeded where five other presidents did not.

Oddly enough, we must apologize for some of the praise our nation has given to you as of late.

Some, including one high-profile online publication, have felt it is necessary to expressly praise the fact that you’ve not been involved in any sex scandals like some of your predecessors and contemporaries in Washington.

Should this be a surprise? After all, no one bestowed this praise upon George W. Bush, even though the same could be said for him. It seems that your morality has been held to a higher standard than previous presidents. We know why, but we probably don’t have to 
overtly state it.

Nonetheless, we certainly applaud your character, leadership and the example you’ve set for our youth.

It’s even more amazing that you are coming out of this presidency as a winner, as so few many do. A few additional gray hairs here and there don’t diminish the fact that you remain as poised as you were the day you were inaugurated in 2009.

We listen to you — we cling to your every word, study you for our public speaking classes. You and your wife are superb in front of a microphone, and with your words, you have helped America through some very low points.

Thank you for your leadership following heinous hate crime in Orlando against the LGBT+ community and declaring it an act of domestic terrorism.

Thank you for agreeing that Black Lives Matter.

At the start of it all, you boosted the morale of a nation that feared it might enter a new Depression. Yet during your presidency, America experienced immense job growth. While a good chunk of the nation will blame you for our poor economic state, there are still those of us who realize you inherited 
this mess.

Thank you for being part of a power couple. Michelle has arguably done just as many great things for this 

Children are eating healthier in school. They are more active and physically engaged. The fight against obesity is not one that one woman can tackle by herself, but, Michelle, you have done a fantastic job.

Obama, you are our first president to serve during the age of social media. You have handled it gracefully and have used it to your advantage. You know America loves a good meme.

You are perhaps our first example of what a public servant should look like. Thanks for seeing us through the harrowing ages of middle school, high school and college. You’ve shown us qualities of accountability, honesty and perseverance — the things we strive for when entering into adulthood.

Finally, we would like to thank you for not putting your trust in a man as deplorable as Donald Trump. Thank you for not encouraging us to support someone who does not respect women, citizens of color and the 
LGBT+ community.

We don’t have time to complain that you’re leaving. We have to press on and hope our next president leads us into an even brighter future.

Peace out, Obama. You truly make one chill 

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