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Saturday, Jan. 25
The Indiana Daily Student

opinion oped editorial

EDITORIAL: Russian criticism further illuminates candidates' shortcomings

Sergei Lavrov, the often well-spoken foreign minister of Russia, sat down with CNN reporter Christiane Amanpour to talk about our two countries. Amanpour asked Lavrov what he thought of Donald Trump’s recent “grab them by the pussy” scandal, to which he responded, “there are so many pussies in your presidential campaign on both sides that I prefer not to comment.”


We may not be surprised to hear such harsh words from a Russian government official.

However, Lavrov served as the Russian correspondent to the United Nations for ten years, and he’s generally seen as a diplomat who serves as a foil to Vladimir Putin’s egomania.

To hear him insult the entire presidential race is definitely unnerving.

The worst part is that he is absolutely correct. We are facing a decision between two candidates who have very few satisfied supporters compared to years past. Our presidential race is catty, hate-driven and ultimately a poor reflection of America to the rest of the world.

Hillary Clinton’s hate speech toward Russia is more ridiculous than proactive. Her campaign chairman John Podesta has blamed the Kremlin for leaking transcripts of speeches she gave and hacking the Democratic National Committee. He even went as far as to insinuate that the Trump campaign may have been in cahoots with Russia.

None of these allegations have any basis in reality, and the Clinton campaign is looking eerily similar to the War-Hawk Republicans of yore. Starting a fight with Russia over a conspiracy seems like a recipe for disaster to us. She is using anti-Russian sentiment that has existed in America since before the Cold War to try and sway voters.

It’s way too risky, and it may lead to some serious problems for us moving forward.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, is much too eager to get in bed with Putin. Trump has, on numerous occasions, remarked on Putin’s supposed strength as a leader. This is the same Putin who routinely oppresses his people and fuels wars in the Middle East to no end.

We aren’t sure that’s a great stance to take, Donald. Even if Putin is a powerful world leader, he’s using his powers for evil. We can’t stand behind that in any way, shape, or form.

The world has been turned upside down. We have a Democratic presidential candidate warmongering with a foreign power and a Republican candidate supporting Russia. This election cycle is anything but boring.

Overall, both candidates are handling the situation with Russia terribly. Clinton is only using Russia as a platform piece. She has to understand that being so tough with them would never work in reality. Trump makes it seem like he and Putin go out and play golf once a week like old business partners.

Though Lavrov’s comment on our presidential campaign is jarring to hear, it is far more jarring to think how unfit our candidates really are for office.

The Editorial Board believes America will have to strap in and hold on tight for the next four years because it’s going to be a bumpy ride, no matter what.

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