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Thursday, March 6
The Indiana Daily Student

crime & courts bloomington

Little 500 Weekend Blotter: reported rape, one injured in shooting, Pizza X driver robbed at gunpoint


Though broken glass and crushed Natural Light beer cans lined Bloomington’s streets Sunday morning, police said the weekend was quiet — for Little 500.

Thirty people landed in the Monroe County Correctional Center on Friday, and 28 Saturday. The IU Police Department made a total of 26 arrests from midnight Thursday to Sunday morning.

Shooting at party

One man was shot twice around 2 a.m. Sunday at a party.

Police have not located his assailant.

Read more about the shooting here.

Reported rape

A 44-year-old woman told police she was sexually assaulted Saturday night.

BPD Sgt. Ben Burns said she was then uncooperative with police and wouldn’t answer most questions.

Police said they will follow up to see whether the woman wants to press charges.

Armed robberies

A group of four people told police they were robbed around 2:45 a.m. Saturday near East 17th Street and North Lincoln Street.

The group told police two men demanded their wallets and cellphones, and that one of the men was holding a handgun with a laser sight.

Police found the stolen property — aside from the cash in the wallets — a short distance from the alleged location of the robbery.

Three of the four people who reported being robbed were 21 and the fourth was 22. Three were men.

Around the same time Saturday morning, a Pizza X delivery driver told police he was stopped by a man with a gun, who demanded all of the cash he was carrying.

This incident happened at East 15th Street and North Lincoln Avenue, just two blocks from the first robbery.

The delivery driver told officers he was leaving a house where he had just dropped a pizza off when the man approached him.

He reported turning his pockets inside out to prove he didn’t have any cash on him.

Bloomington Police Department Sgt. Dana Cole said the driver thought sirens from officers responding to the other robbery scared the man, causing him to run.

Cole said BPD does not know whether the robberies were related.

No arrests have been made in relation to these cases. They are under investigation.

Shots fired

A drunk man tried to enter an apartment that wasn’t his around 1:30 a.m. Saturday, causing one of the men living in the apartment to fire two rounds from his gun.

No one was injured, but police heard the gunshots on Hoosier Court and went to investigate.

The men living in the apartment told police an unknown drunk man was banging on their front door, so one of the men opened it. They reported the man then tried to force his way in the apartment.

The drunk man was later identified as Damian Wood, 24.

A struggle between Wood and one of the roommates ensued, and the other roommate leaned out of his third story window and began firing his handgun near the front door.

The fight then moved inside, according to police, and the roommate with the gun went to the top of the stairs and yelled that he was willing to defend himself.

Wood reportedly ran out of the house, and he was arrested a short distance away. He was charged with residential entry, battery and public intoxication.

Police confiscated the gun, a 9mm Ruger semi-automatic handgun.

Wood reportedly did not want to speak with officers.

Taco Bell fight

Officers arrested two men fighting in the North Walnut Street Taco Bell parking lot around 2 a.m. Friday.

Police stopped at a red light noticed the men punching each other in the parking lot.

They said the men did not stop fighting as officers approached and identified themselves as police. The men instead reportedly fell to the ground and continued to swing at one another.

Cristian Fairley, 21, was arrested on charges of resisting law enforcement and disorderly conduct after struggling against officers who were trying to break up the fight.

Landon Flaniken,  21, was only charged with disorderly conduct.

4/20-themed arrests

The Friday of Little 500 weekend was also April 20, a day internationally recognized for its connection to marijuana culture.

At 4:20 p.m. Friday, a cheer rose around campus. 

Eight of Friday’s arrests were marijuana-related.

Liquor bottles fall on families eating ice cream

About 15 people eating ice cream outside at the Chocolate Moose on South Walnut Street told police empty glass liquor bottles began falling around them around 2:30 p.m. Saturday.

Police said the families jumped up and left the outdoor seating area when bottles began shattering at their feet. No one was injured.

Three Urban Station Apartments balconies are directly above the seating area.

Officers asked residents of several apartments above the seating area whether they dropped or threw the bottles, but everyone declined involvement with the incident.

Police are requesting surveillance footage from surrounding businesses to determine how the bottles fell.

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