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Saturday, Feb. 1
The Indiana Daily Student

opinion letters

I struggled with food insecurity

Dear editors,

I would like to thank you for writing an editorial about something I am personally dealing with. I know there is a population of students who are either homeless or struggling to get by, but I never really thought that this situation was well-known or there was a word to describe a bad food situation, food insecurity. 

I don't like to think that I have it so horrible because I always think that someone else has it worse, but after reading this article I realized just how much I identify with these insecurities. 

While I do have some luxuries, I am currently and have been struggling to get by with a limited amount of money after I have paid my rent and bills. I don't tell my family how much I am struggling because I don't want them to feel bad that they aren't able to help me as much as they want to because they have their own payments to make. 

While I am lucky to get tuition paid for, I still don't get enough financial aid to help pay for my housing. I am trying to finish my college career debt-free, so loans are out of the question for my family. My computer is slowly failing on me, and I know that I don't have the extra money to buy a new one if it decides to finally give up. I make barely enough to pay my rent, so that means the only thing I know I have to cut back on is food. 

I have never shared my recent struggles with anyone because I don't want anyone to pity or worry about me. But as I read this article I realized this issue needs to be brought up to the University so it can try to help its students succeed.

It is very difficult to focus on finals when your stomach hurts from skipping meals throughout the day just so you have some food to eat for dinner.

Thanks for taking the time to read,


Editor's notes: Melissa is a student at IU. She requested that her last name not be used.

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