“Brooklyn Nine-Nine" has been renewed by NBC for a sixth season after being cancelled by Fox.
“Brooklyn Nine-Nine” is a comedy following a team of detectives from the 99th Precinct in Brooklyn.
The first episode of “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” premiered in September 2013, and by May 20 at the end of season five, it will have 112 episodes.
The last five seasons of the show have been aired by Fox, but the network decided against a sixth season. Twitter exploded in outrage upon receiving news of the show’s cancellation, with hashtags such as “#RenewB99” and “#SaveB99.”
NBC, seeing the distress of the fans on Twitter, picked up the show and tweeted out “We got your SIX! #Brooklyn99 is officially coming to NBC!” along with a GIF of one of the stars of the show, former Saturday Night Live cast member Andy Samberg, saying “Noice.” As of May 14, the tweet has garnered almost 70 thousand retweets and nearly 200 thousand favorites.
Fans on Twitter were ecstatic, notably Lin-Manuel Miranda, who tweeted the show was one of the only ones he watched. He said the renewal of the sixth season of the show brought him into a group chat with other fans of the show, like Mark Hamill, Guillermo del Toro, Seth Meyers and Sean Astin.
Samberg, who plays Jake Peralta and is one of the producers for the show, tweeted from his Twitter, @thelonelyisland, saying “Thank you to everyone for the crazy outpouring of support. It means the world to us. It wouldn’t have happened without you.”
Other stars of the show, such as Melissa Fumero and Joe Lo Truglio, also tweeted out gratitude for not only NBC, but also the fans that made the renewal of the show possible.
Fans tweeted back to the stars, saying things such as, “Thanks for my favourite show on TV!” and different GIFs from scenes in the show.
The sixth season will air on NBC with 13 episodes.