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Friday, March 7
The Indiana Daily Student

crime & courts

Alleged meth deal gone wrong ends in arrest, injury


A man from Michigan City, Indiana, was arrested Friday night after what police called a methamphetamine deal gone wrong.

Courtney Jones, 42, faces the preliminary felony charge of robbery resulting in bodily injury.

A 46-year-old man told police he was waiting at the Bloomington Transit Center on South Walnut Street on Friday night when Jones approached him.

The two then reportedly walked down an alley behind Rhino's All Ages Music Club together when the man said Jones asked him for some extra help, so he pulled out his wallet to offer him a dollar. Jones then reportedly snatched a one hundred dollar bill from the 46-year-old.

The man told police he then demanded Jones return the cash, so Jones punched him in the right eye.

Bloomington Police Department Lt. Ryan Pedigo said when officers spoke with the victim he had fresh blood and road rash on his right knee which he said was from falling after being hit.

When police caught up with Jones in the 500 block of South Walnut Street, they found a $100 bill in the front pocket of his pants.

Jones reportedly said he had been drinking alcohol at Seminary Park over the past few hours before the fight. Pedigo said Jones changed his account of what happened multiple times, but eventually admitted to trying to sell the 46-year-old meth.

He told officers he was selling the man $20 worth of meth, but the man only had a $1 bill and a $100 bill in his wallet, so he snatched the hundred, intending to make change.

Jones told police his customer then threw the meth on the ground. He said he didn’t recall punching the man in the face, but he did admit to shoving him down.

The police report did not specify whether the meth was in powdered or crystal form, but Pedigo said it was likely being sold as a rock since no baggie was recovered from the alley.

Jones did not have meth on his person when police searched him, and officers did not find the drug in the alley either.

The 46-year-old was not charged with any crimes. He did not admit to purchasing meth.

Jones has appeared a in Indiana courts since 1993. His charges range from failure to use a seatbelt to marijuana possession to battery.

He is primarily listed as living in Michigan City, Indiana, but has also been identified as homeless in court filings.

Jones was most recently sentenced to probation in LaPorte County after pleading guilty to a charge of intimidation with the threat to commit a forcible felony. His probation began on Aug. 31, less than one month ago.

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