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Friday, Jan. 10
The Indiana Daily Student

Brown County fires substitute in trouble for blackface

Brown County Schools teacher in blackface

The Brown County Schools' substitute teacher and coach who was the subject of backlash for a racist photo he posted last month on Facebook has been fired. 

Richard Gist declined an offer to return next school year if he participated in cultural competency training and an online civility training, the school district said in a Thursday release.  

The online civility training suggested for Gist is going to be implemented for all BCS staff and lay coaches, the release said. 

The release said the district expects the teachers to be role models and Gist’s post and handling of the conversation after the post showed a lack of discretion and good judgment by a role model. 

Vauhxx Booker of Black Lives Matter Bloomington, who is running for Bloomington City Council, applauded the school district's decision in a statement posted to Facebook Thursday. Booker said in a statement on Facebook black face has a long history of portraying black people as subhuman and lesser. 

“It displayed a cultural ineptitude unconscionable for an educator,” Booker said. “Worse, Mr. Gist remained unwilling to engage in the process of restorative justice.”

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