Hoosier Hour: Crimson Comedy, a comedy show that showcases student troupes the first week of every month, will take place 8 p.m. Thursday at the Indiana Memorial Union Starbucks.
Crimson Comedy is an event that provides different student comedy groups with the space to put on a performance free of charge.
The comedy troupe featured this month is Ladies’ Night Comedy.
Ladies’ Night Comedy is a group of 11 women who meet weekly to create skits and practice stand-upcomedy.
Sophomore and Ladies’ Night Comedy member Isabel Nieves said when someone pitches an idea for a skit, the whole group brainstorms and collaborates to make the idea work in their set.
“Whatever funny idea that you have, it doesn’t matter,” Nieves said. “If you think it’s going to be funny or it’s not going to be funny, we’ll run with it and we’ll try to make something.”
For Thursday, Ladies’ Night Comedy has picked six women including Nieves to do stand-up comedy.
Crimson Comedy is a new event planned by the three graduate advisers at the Student Involvement and Leadership Center.
This comedy event is just one of four that makes up the rotation for the Hoosier Hour events. The other three are Aca Hour, where a student a cappella group performs, Global Hour, which this month will feature the movie “Roma” and other culture immersion activities, and Jazz Jam, where student jazz musicians perform.
One of the graduate advisers, Alexis Fuentes, said he noticed students’ attention to comedy and wanted to provide entertainment that was by the students and for the students.
“We love our student orgs," Fuentes said. "We want to keep partnering up with them. We saw that there was a big grab, or big attention for comedy troupes.”
Nieves and Fuentes both said attendees should expect good student-provided entertainment.
“If you like to laugh, then you should come to the show,” Nieves said. “It’ll be a roller coaster, but it’ll be overall a really great time.”
This one-hour event is free and unticketed.
CORRECTION: A previous version of this story incorrectly named Alexis Fuentes. The IDS regrets this error.