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Sunday, Feb. 16
The Indiana Daily Student

student life coronavirus

GAME DAY: What’s the best quarantine activity? Vote on our bracket.

quarantine activities bracket FINAL.jpg

Update: the voting has come to an end. Our Instagram followers decided watching Netflix is the all time best quarantine activity.

Welcome back to the newest edition of Game Day.

If it weren’t for the coronavirus, the NCAA March Madness finals would’ve been this week. Maybe, just maybe, Archie Miller would’ve gotten IU another banner in Assembly Hall. Probably not, but who’s to say at this point?

Well, in lieu of missing my personal favorite sporting event of the year, the digital team and I decided to begin our own March (April?) Madness. Each day this week, you can vote for your favorite quarantine activities on our Instagram stories.

You have the rest of the day to weigh your choices carefully before the round of 32 begins tomorrow. Get your votes in between 11 a.m. and 9 p.m. Eastern.

Each round will run the same times each day this week, so make sure you check back through Friday. The winning activity will be crowned Saturday after Friday’s absolutely legitimate and scientifically solid showdown of the IU and Bloomington community's top 2 things to do in quarantine.

View the original bracket below:

quarantine activities bracket FINAL.jpg

Answers to last week's crossword puzzle:


3. union 8. glenngass 9. kelley 12. frangipana 13. oldcrescent 14. wylie


1. greenhouse 2. oneill 4. observatory 5. brain 6. alexander 7. eskenazi 10. mathers 11. srsc

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