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Friday, Jan. 31
The Indiana Daily Student

student life

What you need to know about Bloomington, IU parking passes for the 2020-21 school year


Bloomington’s neighborhood residential parking permit applications have been transitioned online in accordance with social distancing guidelines, according to a press release sent by the city of Bloomington. Residents can now submit applications to purchase a 2020-2021 parking permit. Residents can view a map of which neighborhoods require street parking here

Michelle Wahl, Bloomington’s parking services director, said refunds may or may not be issued for school closure due to COVID-19, but exceptions have previously been made for students who have had to leave the university for various reasons. 

IU parking passes are available for purchase at the Office of Parking Operations website. Students have until Sept. 30 to get a refund if they decide they do not need their purchased parking pass for the fall semester. Employees who have annual permits need to submit a request for a refund prior to the fifth of the month to receive a refund for that month. Employees also now have the option to purchase multiyear parking permits.

Refunds for students who purchased permits for the spring semester should have been issued to their bursar accounts.

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