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Thursday, Dec. 26
The Indiana Daily Student

Black Voices: ‘My people march through winter,’ a poem by Kaitlyn Stitch

<p>Snow blankets the branches of a tree in Bloomington during the winter of 2016-17. </p>

Snow blankets the branches of a tree in Bloomington during the winter of 2016-17.

One step forward



two steps backwards

one step, no steps


my people march through winter

uninspired, stagnant, static

here the running water is

      blocked off


the once rapid current


no steps


winter turns waters gray,

ardor’s least favorite color

black ice, unyielding, rigid, dense

      stuck, fixed, pinned


Can we make it through the winter?

Whole communities shaking, trembling, quivering

But nonetheless our feet keep marching

Crystal ice wavers underneath us

The river beneath that awakens


But desperate struggle continues

Stretching, reaching, grasping

Not enough — try again

Grasping, reaching, stretching

Same result — insanity


We slip, slide, get back up,

      One step


The ice breaks and out comes

Frenzy, Passion, Inspiration

We will make it through the winter

Unimaginable progress — We march

One step, Two steps, Three steps, Four

Cherry blossoms and rain, new beginnings — spring

We have made it through the winter

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