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Sunday, Feb. 16
The Indiana Daily Student


Monroe County’s COVID-19 status turns blue after decrease in positive test results

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Monroe County’s COVID-19 color-code status changed from yellow to blue following a decrease in positive test results in the county, according to the State of Indiana government website Wednesday.

As a blue county, the state recommends social gatherings are not more than 250 people, according to the COVID-19 Indiana County Guidelines by Color. Events and social gatherings can happen at up to 100% capacity if the county has a plan to mitigate COVID-19 and if all guidelines are followed, like social distancing and face coverings.

K-12 extracurricular and co-curricular activities, community recreational sports and college and professional sports should coordinate with local health departments, according to state requirements.

The color-code system reflects a county’s seven-day positivity rate and weekly cases per 100,000 residents, according to the website.

The county will remain under a yellow advisory level until Monroe County maintains its blue status for two consecutive weeks, according to the website.

The website said there were 88 cases per 100,000 residents last week and the seven-day positivity rate decreased to 0.71%.

Monroe County’s seven-day average positivity rate for all COVID-19 tests has been steadily decreasing since early January, according to the website.

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