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Friday, March 14
The Indiana Daily Student

Bloomington Fire Department, Police Department headquarters suffer flood damage


The Bloomington Fire Department and Bloomington Police Department both experienced flood damage to their respective headquarters after last weekend’s storms, according to City of Bloomington press releases.

Electronic and computer equipment within BPD’s building, located at 220 E. Third St., was significantly damaged, according to the release, and the estimated time for repair is unknown. Normal operations can continue at the facility for the most part, according to the release.

“While the floodwaters damaged our facility and took some equipment out of service, it could have been much worse without the quick responses of BPD officers, non-sworn staff and facilities managers,” Police Chief Mike Diekhoff said in the release. 

BFD was forced to close their downtown fire station headquarters, located at 300 E. Fourth St., for an unknown period of time, according to the release. Building engineers and post-flood recovery experts said the station was uninhabitable and will not be used for a period of time while damages and repairs are assessed, according to the release. 

BFD does not anticipate significant delays in emergency response time. Personnel and apparatus were reassigned to the four other city fire stations, according to the release. 

The station’s entire basement was flooded as well as part of the first floor, according to the release. The station’s communication system, electrical system and facility controls for the back-up generator were also flooded.

“We will continue to provide the residents of Bloomington with exceptional fire fighting despite this setback,” Fire Chief Jason Moore said in the release. “Our firefighters are doing what they do best — sticking together and working through difficult situations to keep our city safe.”

Emergency personnel responded to 18 flood water rescues overnight Friday, according to the release.

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