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Thursday, March 6
The Indiana Daily Student

Black Voices politics

Black Voices: Isak Asare promotes unity and the truth beyond his congressional campaign

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Isak Nti Asare is running for congressional office for the 9th District of Indiana. Asare lives a life of hope and promise for future generations through his love of community and those around him.

He is breaking barriers for minority communities by potentially becoming the first Black man to ever represent this district. He is inspiring these communities to feel heard and seen within politics and society as a whole.

Asare is both Swedish and Ghanaian and is a representation of diversity in many ways. He prides himself on helping people realize the power within their voices and not waiting on anyone to use it.

“We keep feeling like we need to wait our turn, like we should sit on the bench and wait,” Asare said. “If we keep waiting, whatever you are waiting for may not be there when it is your turn. It is time.”

In his personal life, Asare surrounds himself with being a man of faith and family. Asare and his wife, Mariah, recently welcomed their first child.

Related: [Black Voices: Former, current Black IU student body presidents discuss leadership]

As a current faculty member in the Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies and IU alumna, Asare is well engaged with the IU community.

Asare said community means developing a larger family unit and working together to ensure everyone is successful and gets what they need out of life.

“One of the really exciting parts of this campaign is giving people an outlet by which they can say they are hopeful for what their future will hold when we all work together and band together as a community,” Asare said.

IU junior Nora West said she has known Asare for the past two years and is grateful for his care of the community.

“He makes it a point to ask me each time I see him how I am, not necessarily how my research is going or what progress the campaign has made, but much more personal questions about my family, my friendships, my mental and physical health,” West said.

In addition to expressing concern for personal wellbeing, West said Asare has also motivated her in other ways.

“He pushes me to expand my boundaries and strive for higher goals as well as advocates for personal time and growth which is why I thoroughly enjoy working with him in any respect,” West said.

Related: [Black Voices: I’m Black, not African American]

IU senior and policy researcher for Asare’s campaign, Tatiana Peters has known Asare for the past four years and has developed a strong connection with him through his kindred nature.

“Isak makes everyone he comes into contact feel seen, heard, and valued,” Peters said. “I believe that is why he is such a distinguishable person.”

Peters said Asare and his wife provided tutoring opportunities and counseling for her internship and have become a part of her family.

Asare is a change agent, who believes in personal agency, and believes people should go for what they want out of life.

“Everyone thinks things are impossible until they are done,” Asare said. “It is unto us to do the work to make the impossible possible.”

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