Danny William: Romantic love is valued far too much in our society. Though it’s great to find a romantic partner who you can share your life with, throwing away your friends and family to find that perfect someone will ultimately leave you lonelier than ever.
Leila Faraday: Valentine’s Day is my favorite holiday. What’s not to love about hearts, candy and pink? If you hate it, try a throwback to elementary school and get everyone you love some Fun Dip.
Joey Sills: Maybe I’ve only ever had the cheap stuff, but most Valentine’s chocolates are subpar. The ones that immediately come to mind are the orange creams — honestly, I’d apply this to any similarly fruit-flavored ones, like strawberry or raspberry creams. I’d much rather be gifted some standard dark chocolate or Reese’s Cups.
Jared Quigg: I have a Taylor Swift take, which is relevant because she’s written some of my generation’s finest love songs, and I think she was also in an awful movie called “Valentine’s Day.” The take is this: the ten-minute version of “All Too Well” is overrated. It’s too long and isn’t significantly better than the original. And since I’ll be burned at the stake for this, I’ll also add that “All Too Well” isn’t even the best song on the “Red” album – that would be “Treacherous.”
Audrey Vonderahe: The best relationships are full of fun, support and friendship. Life is too short for things in your relationship to be so hard. Love can be deep and lighthearted at the same time.
Carolyn Marshall: My cat is the best cat in the world, all other cats I have met have proved this statement to be true. He is the fluffiest, kindest, most loving creature on the planet. He is also my Valentine this year, possibly forever.
Elizabeth Valadez: Valentine’s Day seems to be as much about consumption as it is about love. Why? Ditch the cheap chocolate and fancy dinners (maybe not the Squishmallows, though) and just spend time with the people you love.