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Sunday, March 23
The Indiana Daily Student


OPINION: This week's hot takes


Danny William: Actors really shouldn’t have to gain or lose insane amounts of weight for roles. It’s incredibly detrimental to their bodies. Imagine going through hell to gain 60 pounds for a role and then having the movie flop. I would honestly quit. Crazy suggestion – what if directors just hired people who look like their desired body type in the first place?  

Carolyn Marshall: I have heard a lot of people say that they would only want to live in a city if they were rich. Honestly, I think that it is doable to live in the city without much money. Budgeting things would allow for getting to know the city better, such as a lowkey local Italian restaurant down the street, rather than only buying the fancy stuff.  

Jared Quigg: My take this week is about “The Little Mermaid.” Recently, Disney continued their pursuit of never-ending growth and released a cash-grab remake that I have no intention of seeing. But that’s not the take! Have you watched the 1968 Soviet animated short film, “The Little Mermaid”? I won’t say it’s better than the 1989 Disney film (though I wouldn’t blame anyone if they thought that – the animation is gorgeous!), but it’s a wonderful film in its own right that deserves to be remembered. It’s free to watch on YouTube, check it out! 

Ellie Albin: There’s no need to pick either fiction or nonfiction. Honestly, you very much should read both! I do! I need both made-up and true stories. Any story — real or fake — that’s well-told and has a heart is worth reading and exploring. I’ve been seeing this battle coming up more and more recently and it makes me a bit sad — just. Read. Both. 

Natalie Fitzgibbons: This week it has felt like I have run into obstacle after obstacle and because of such events it has made me realize that we have the choice to make the best or worse of a situation. We can either sit and dwell on the negatives, or we can accept that life happens and keep a positive mindset. Why dwell on the negatives when you can accept the bad but still find happiness?  

Gentry Keener: “Twilight” is a comfort movie, and it doesn’t matter whether the film is actually good or not. Anybody who didn’t watch the series before the age of 18 won’t like it and will only see its flaws. That is simply the wrong opinion, but you can’t help but see it that way because the movie has no emotional connection for you. Whereas those of us who grew up watching it know the nostalgia of the cinematic masterpiece that is “Twilight.” 

Isabella Vesperini: Summer kinda sucks. Yes, we get a much-needed break from school, get to go on vacation and have time to relax, but those are basically the only benefits. It gets miserably hot and humid in Bloomington, which discourages me from going outside. It makes running and walking a chore. Not to mention the fact that Bloomington becomes a ghost town of sorts. No one is around. IU is mainly empty, and friends leave town, leaving me with limited options on who I can see. Bloomington doesn’t even have that many things to do; most of the time I find myself at home. I get bored very easily so I don’t know what to do most of the time. Overall, summer is often a disappointment for me.  

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