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Thursday, March 20
The Indiana Daily Student


COLUMN: Hoosier Hotline: silver linings, sitting down and sorority formals


Dear Leila, 

I very much enjoy going to the IU athletics events and cheering on the Hoosiers! I’ve been to soccer games, swim meets, football games, basketball games, even bike races! The sporting events are all extremely fun, however I cannot say the same for the state of the student section. I love the spirit and I love the energy, but I hate standing. 

Is it so wrong that I want to SIT at the events I am attending during my free time and at MY leisure? I don’t think so. 

I also wouldn’t mind other people standing except that it blocks my view and forces me to stand to see over them. It is a never ending cycle. Sometimes brave soldiers around me yell at the people in front to sit down, but no one listens. 

Football games are long, basketball games are not as long but still long enough for me to want to sit! 

Am I just a curmudgeonly student who has no spirit, or do my arguments have merit after all? 


Legs are Tired 

Legs are Tired: I have to say — perhaps to the dismay of our fellow Hoosiers — that I could not agree more. Standing is just about my least favorite thing to do, especially if it is hot outside. Obviously, at more popular games like IU vs. Purdue, avoiding a standing crowd can be nearly impossible in the student section. For other games though, I recommend showing up a little bit early and finding a spot closer to the back where you can still have a good view while escaping the pressure to stand.  

I also can’t recommend enough that you take advantage of some of the less popular sporting events you mentioned, like swim meets and soccer games. Get some friends together and show up for games with school spirit and maybe some seat cushions! As those tend to have less students cheering, the environment is more relaxed and I’ve never had a problem finding somewhere I can sit down while watching. And who doesn’t love making all our Hoosier sports teams feel supported? Happy spectating! 


I have a question I would like you to answer for the Hoosier Hotline Column! The scenario I am stuck in is not being able to find a date for my sorority formal. Do you have any tips to offer me? 



Formalities: This is a problem as old as time according to, like, every single rom-com and coming-of-age film. Not only do we often feel an outside obligation to bring a date — especially one with romantic potential — to formal events, but I also understand the personal appeal.

Check in with yourself, and make sure you’re not just looking for a date because you feel like you should have one. After all, a big part of being in a sorority is the sisterhood — appreciate it and take advantage of that aspect at fun events like formals. There is no problem with bringing along a platonic friend who isn’t a part of the sorority and just having a fun, stress-free time with each other in which you’re not caught up worrying about messy feelings being involved or if they are seeing other people.

If you still feel the urge for a “real” date, I encourage you to ask your sorority sisters if their dates have any friends who might be good candidates to go with you. Ensure you have time to get to know a potential date a bit so you can be sure that they are someone you can trust and have a good time with. Maybe you’ll find your forever person or just make a new friend!

Never be afraid to make the first move either — whether it is in class, at a party or anything in between. Go up and start a conversation if you find someone attractive or just want to get to know them better. There’s truly nothing to lose by putting yourself out there and showing confidence. At the end of the day, just be sure the only person you are trying to find yourself a date for is you. You will never look back with regret on appreciating the people who are already in your life and letting go of external pressures.

Dear Hoosier Hotline,    

I need help spicing up my routine. How do I make my life more exciting? How to treat yourself without spending too much money? I bought gummy bears today and a yummy fall coffee yesterday just to feel something lol. How do I get out of a rut?  

Sincerely yours,  

Past the PSLs 

Past the PSLs: College can often feel like Groundhog Day, and I’m glad you’re thinking of taking steps to disrupt the pervasive monotony that riddles our lives. I, too, love a good fall coffee or sweet treat when I am in need of a pick-me-up, but I also understand that most of us are not in the financial situation to be doing that every day. I’ve found that learning to take life a little slower and be intentional with my choices and routines can have a huge impact on my appreciation and zest for life in college.  

First, I would recommend you try keeping a journal and practice gratitude regularly. Reflect on your days in whatever way makes sense to you. It doesn’t need to be a two-page daily entry, you could just write down some notable events from that day in bullets, note funny things that happened or reflect on whatever you feel especially appreciative of at that moment. I also like to save small mementos like pictures, receipts, tickets and even pretty leaves to tape into my journal as a way to remember special moments.  

On the topic of gratitude, try taking the time to text or call someone you haven’t reached out to in a while to catch up. Expressing your appreciation to loved ones or old friends will make both of you feel good. 

As we head into the fall, definitely take advantage of the milder weather and beautiful scenery we get in Bloomington — call me biased, but I think it has got to be the best place to be for the fall time. Grab a blanket and some friends or a book, and watch the leaves fall on Dunn Meadow, Lake Monroe or one of the other lovely outdoor spaces around campus.  

Lastly, allow yourself to break your routines and do the unexpected. Listen to your heart, and try new things or take breaks from those that are no longer serving you. Change is easier when you are the one in control. 

Need advice? Write to me at with all your questions, scenarios and conundrums to have my take on your situation published while keeping your identity anonymous. 

Leila Faraday (she/her) is a sophomore studying policy analysis with minors in geography and urban planning and community development. 

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