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Friday, Feb. 21
The Indiana Daily Student

PRESS RELEASE: Bloomington Transit Service Update for Solar Eclipse


The following is a press release written by John Connell for Bloomington Public Transportation Corporation. 

The Bloomington Public Transportation Corporation (BPTC) will suspend fixed route service from 1:10 pm until 5:10 pm, on Monday, April 8, 2024 due to the solar eclipse which may draw as many as three hundred thousand people to our community. Given the potential traffic and crowds, it may be impossible or very difficult to get around the City before, during and immediately after the eclipse. Transit service will resume to regular schedule at 5:10 pm. Customers should expect significant delays throughout Monday, April 8, 2024. 

Passengers can pick-up a FREE pair of solar eclipse viewing glasses from their driver while supplies last. 

For additional information, passengers may call (812) 336-7433 or visit

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