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Wednesday, June 26
The Indiana Daily Student

campus administration

PHOTOS: Protesters rally for Whitten’s termination at Board of Trustees meeting


For more coverage of the protest, click here.


A protester holds a sign directly in front of Provost Rahul Shrivastav at the IU Board of Trustees meeting June 13, 2024, inside Henke Hall of Champions in Bloomington. Throughout the meeting, pro-Palestine protesters held up signs while sitting in the audience.

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A protester leads the crowd in a chant for the termination of IU President Pamela Whitten June 14, 2024, outside Memorial Stadium in Bloomington. Protesters began gathering outside Memorial Stadium around 9 a.m.


A Pro-Palestine protester is asked to leave on June 14, 2024 at Henke Hall in Bloomington. Multiple other protesters were asked to leave the Board of Trustees meeting after interrupting the meeting with speeches in support of IU President Pamela Whitten's termination.


A protester talks to the crowd gathered June 14, 2024, outside Memorial Stadium in Bloomington. The protester is part of the Indiana Graduate Workers Coalition, which also helped organize that day's protest.


Protesters holding signs chant "Free, free Palestine" after others were escorted out for interrupting the Board of Trustees meeting with speeches June 14, 2024, inside Henke Hall in Bloomington. Outside, other protesters gathered as a protest organized by the grad union and could be heard inside the room during the meeting, as well.


A protester wearing "no confidence sticker," yells chants June 14, 2024, outside Memorial Stadium in Bloomington. The protester found the closer to the building she yelled, the louder her voice echoed.


A protester is asked to leave as they interrupt IU President Pamela Whitten's speech at the Board of Trustees meeting on June 14, 2024 in Henke Hall in Bloomington. Multiple other protesters also stood up and made speeches during Whitten's speech.


A protester chants June 14, 2024, outside Memorial Stadium in Bloomington. Protesters left Memorial Stadium around 11 a.m.

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