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Tuesday, Oct. 15
The Indiana Daily Student

arts student life

COLUMN: Advice for seniors on how to make the most of senior year


Senior year in college can be exciting and nerve-wracking. You’re making the most of the college experience while thinking about where your degree might take you in a year. There’s only so much time to take advantage of all the freedom and special opportunities college affords you. Don’t let time pass by too fast, instead enjoy the moment and make this last year worth your while.  

Here’s some advice on how to make the most of your final year of college: 

Cherish your free time 

One of the many benefits of college is the amount of free time you have.The reality of being a true adult, and all the consequences that come with it, still feel years away, making us a little spoiled with how much free time we have. Time goes by in the blink of an eye and before you know it, you’re taking graduation photos in front of the Sample Gates.  

This is why making the most of your final days in Bloomington is important. My favorite part of the week is meeting up with my friends after class and spending time doing absolutely nothing. It’s not every day you can walk over to your friend’s house in less than 10 minutes to watch a movie at 1 p.m. on a Tuesday. These are the moments we need to take advantage of as seniors in college.  

In the real world, there are no summer breaks, and we won’t have over three months of few responsibilities ever again. This sounds scary, but if you let time slow down a little and enjoy the present, you may just feel ready when reality hits post-graduation. Instead of dwelling on job recruiters, go experience all the classic college activities that won’t be easily accessible next year. The nights where you decide to be spontaneous always end up being the most memorable. Make the most of your last year of college and go to trivia night at Brother’s Bar & Grill next Tuesday or have as many sleepovers with friends as you can. 

Treasure your friends and make some new ones 

 Senior year is so fun because you’re often surrounded by your favorite people who also want to make the most of their last year. Most people aren’t thinking about branching out and meeting new people because they already have a great group of friends. However, there is a high chance you won’t live in the same city as everyone after graduation.  You may think all your best friends are moving to Chicago, but you never know what can happen.  

Anything can change after college, which is why it doesn’t hurt to branch out every once in a while. Even if you live in the same city as your close friends, you could end up living 30 minutes away from each other. That’s just one example of complications with friendships after college. It’s common to have these issues after college, which is why people want to make new friends in their new city of residence. Save yourself the stress down the line and get to know the person who sits next to you in class or open up to that person you might have a platonic-crush on. You never know where your future will lead you, so it doesn’t hurt to make a few more friends in case. 

Involve yourself in new experiences  

Most people think of freshman year as the time to start fresh and try new things. However, not everyone treats freshmen year that way and, some people have a hard time joining clubs or branching out. There are so many new opportunities to try in college but it’s easy to get caught up and follow what your friends do. Some people luck out and become best friends with their floormates, or you might be quite the athlete and make the lacrosse team no problem. But not everyone has that experience. 

I think that senior year is the best time to get a second chance in a new era. IU makes it easy to try new opportunities at any time with the number of amenities and resources they offer. Both the Student Recreational Sports Center (SRSC) and the Bill Garrett Fieldhouse can help you get involved in any intramural sports or even fitness classes. I've always wanted to get back into tennis since I graduated high school, but I've gotten carried away with other priorities and friends in college. Now that I've got some more time on my hands, I’ve been going to the tennis courts more often this semester and have been lucky to make new friends who also enjoy playing tennis. 

Senior year is bittersweet because you’re doing everything for the last time as a college student, but making the most of the year with your friends feels like endless amounts of fun. Instead of dwelling over graduation day, spend senior year enjoying every little moment.  

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