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Monday, Feb. 3
The Indiana Daily Student

city politics

Trohn Enright-Randolph reelected Monroe County surveyor in uncontested election


Trohn Enright-Randolph won reelection in his uncontested race for Monroe County surveyor, a position he’s held since 2016.  

Over his term, Enright-Randolph has seen the surveyor’s office modernize significantly. He led the department’s push to adopt virtual geographic information systems, creating positions and a dedicated division for the mapping system. That modernization has also involved digitizing records and reforming the office structure. 

The responsibilities of the role include overseeing property and geographic boundaries, reviewing previously plotted ones and managing much more. He’s also the only official directly elected to the Monroe County Plan Commission.  

Enright-Randolph started at the surveyor’s office in 2005, just after graduating from Ivy Tech Community College in Bloomington in 2004 with a degree in applied science in design technology.  

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