Almost 19 years ago, I was born on Valentine’s Day, and ever since, my life has been guided by love. My actions, ideals, goals and hobbies have all been driven by love in some form. It all sounds like a cliche and maybe it is. However, this holiday has always compelled me to share as much love as I can, and to me, giving love to others can be just as rewarding as receiving a gift.
Nowadays, we are bombarded by Valentine’s Day as a ceaseless promotion of consumer culture, and the excess of chocolates and teddy bears can be quite cloying. In the society we live in, it is easy to feel nauseated by the endless marketing of Valentine’s Day. However, I feel it is important that we take advantage of the day as an authentic celebration of love in all its forms.
Amidst the busy nature of everyday life, we may often forget to take the time to show our appreciation for the ones we love. Nevertheless, community is one of the most important aspects of a well-rounded life, which makes showing love to friends and family so meaningful.
I have always loved using Valentine’s Day as a way to show my friends how much I appreciate them. I make valentines for them each year and often spend the day with my closest girl friends. This has given way to some of my dearest memories. Platonic love can be revitalizing for the soul in a way that romantic love cannot. In my experience, strengthening friendships has brought much meaning and joy to my life.
One of the most important forms of love that we often neglect to prioritize is self-love. We must first maintain our own basest needs of self-fulfillment in order to truly give love substantially to others. Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to remind ourselves how nice it is to relax and indulge in self-care rituals. Some activities of self-love I enjoy are bubble baths, doing skincare, ordering takeout, journaling or watching movies. These are just some of the lovely ways you can develop a routine of self-care.
I am a lover at heart, and Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite holidays even without its connection to my birthday. I love the flowers, romantic comedies and love notes of it all. I adore having a designated day to be reminded to put love and community first. Valentine’s Day can sometimes prompt us to roll our eyes at all the commercialism we see, lament the possible lack of a romantic relationship and scoff at the parts of the holiday we find tacky. However, I think it is best to treat the day as what it truly is at its heart, which is a celebration of all the ways love enriches our lives.
Valentine’s Day will not be going anywhere, so I see no point in trying to avoid it. Reminders of it are everywhere this time of year, and even if you are unenthusiastic, I believe the only way to survive the season of love is to embrace it. So make the valentines, text your friends appreciative paragraphs, do some self-care, spend the day savoring all the love in your life no matter what form it takes. Out of all the holidays to be born on, I would choose this one in every life.