20100518 Box OILSPILL
Map of the forecasted location for May 19, 2010, of the sunken rig oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.<p> â?¨With OILSPILL-DEVELOPMENTS by The Miami Herald<p> 03000000; 06000000; DIS; ENV; krtcampus campus; krtdisaster disaster; krtenvironment environment; krtnews; krtworld world; krt; 2010; krt2010; mctgraphic; 06005000; 06005002; 06010000; environmental issue; environmental pollution; water; water pollution; 03006000; industrial accident; krtaccident accident; krtnamer north america; u.s. us united states; oilrig-explosion; oilrig update; USA; alabama ala. al; florida fla. fl; krtsouth; louisiana la.; mississippi miss. ms; boats; deepwater horizon; draft; explosion; float; floating boom; freeboard; harbor; leak; ocean; oil; oil rig; oilspill; krt mct; oilspill update; spillbox; wa