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Saturday, June 29
The Indiana Daily Student

Teri Moren, the IU women’s basketball coach,  smiles while talking to Mayor John Hamilton on Saturday on the steps of City Hall. Hamilton, Moren and over 30 other people participated in the ALS ice bucket challenge during the Bloomington Community Farmers’ Market. In Oct. 2014, two months after Moren accepted the IU women's basketball head coaching position, her mother, Barb, died of ALS.  Matt Begala

Teri Moren, ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Teri Moren, the IU women’s basketball coach,  smiles while talking to Mayor John Hamilton on Saturday on the steps of City Hall. Hamilton, Moren and over 30 other people participated in the ALS ice bucket challenge during the Bloomington Community Farmers’ Market. In Oct. 2014, two months after Moren accepted the IU women's basketball head coaching position, her mother, Barb, died of ALS.