OPINION: Expanding the melody: Why IU needs musical opportunities for all majors
Creating inclusive music opportunities at IU fosters creativity, community and student well-being.
Creating inclusive music opportunities at IU fosters creativity, community and student well-being.
In an increasingly disillusioned nation, another Trump term seemed inevitable.
A personal exploration of music therapy's power in emotional healing and mental well-being.
Playing a musical instrument is more impactful than merely increasing one’s cognitive capability.
Trump's false claims on immigration fuel hate. His policies risk economic and humanitarian consequences.
McCormick is the only option for the state to keep moving forward.
Divisive politics are creating tension in group settings
We learn more from cooking than how to follow a recipe.
Introductory economics courses lack diversity in perspectives, limiting students' understanding of real-world applications.
Bugs are not as gross as people make them out to be.
Many class attendance policies are unrealistic, harsh and produce the wrong incentives.
Allow yourself to be a kid sometimes.
Who else had family costumes?
Active engagement fosters meaningful relationships and cultural exchange among international and American students.
Robots are taking over the delivery game.
Empowerment demands real actions, not empty words, to bridge gender equality gaps.
TikTok users and public officials spewed harmful lies concerning Hurricane Milton.
Philosophy classes help develop critical thinking and provide foundational insights across disciplines.
Only dictators need censorship.
The April report’s central recommendation was that student media shouldn’t be expected to be profitable.