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Saturday, Sept. 28
The Indiana Daily Student


Bearcats play in jazz series


The B-town Bearcats performed a three-hour long concert as part of the Jazz Fables Concert Series, the longest running jazz series in Bloomington.

The Indiana Daily Student

Column: Semester at Sea


From frequent family road trips to youth group excursions, choosing to go abroad wasn’t the hard part. The question was: Where?

The Indiana Daily Student

LAMC musical duo debuts album


Winners of the Latin American Music Recording Competition are awarded an official slot in the Jacobs School of Music calendar, as well as an opportunity to record a professionally edited, fully produced CD. Jacobs associate instructor Jooeun Pak and her musical partner, recent graduate Colin Sorgi, are the victors of the 2011 LAMC Recording Competition for their multiple piano and violin ensembles.

The Indiana Daily Student

Lysistrata represents Themester through theatrical adaptation


How does one woman stop a war? By joining forces with other women in withholding sexual pleasure from their husbands.The message of Lysistrata, a play written by Greek comic playwright Aristophanes in Athens in 411 BC. The comedy centers around one woman’s incredible efforts to bring the Peloponnesian War to an end.

hula hoops

Jumping through Hoops


Some people have called it “a circle of happiness.” Freshman Sarah Mancourt calls it “the magical portal to positiveness.” Mancourt is referring to her hula hoop.

The Indiana Daily Student

My Little "Brony": Show attracts older audience


In fall 2010, “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic” premiered on The Hub, a TV station with programming mainly for children ages 6 to 12. Little did Hasbro know that older men would be swept up by this animated sensation.

The Indiana Daily Student

Fashion blog creator shares success story


IU has produced many success stories: Robert Gates, Michael Uslan and Ryan Murphy, to name a few. Yet one of the most recent successes is that of Amy Levin, the founder of fashion website 

Travel Column

Column: Buongiorno, Bologna


Dec. 8 marked the official start of the holiday season here in Bologna with the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. While to students it’s mostly a reason for another four-day weekend, older Italians appreciate it as the day Mary began carrying Jesus.


Choirs, ensembles welcome holidays


A booming voice from the speakers, placed strategically around the Auditorium, cued everybody to find a seat and prepare for a great performance. “Welcome to the IU Auditorium and the Chimes of Christmas!” Douglas Booher, director of the IU Auditorium, announced to the waiting crowd.

The Indiana Daily Student

IU explores 3D technology


Those in attendance at the IU Cinema Tuesday night were treated to a variety of stereoscopic 3D short films by the Advanced Visualization Laboratory and the Department of Telecommunications.  This 3D Student Film Showcase featured eight films created by students, faculty and staff at IU. The evening was also an opportunity to learn about the 3D research being done at the University.

The Indiana Daily Student

Column: A more personal plate


In Bloomington, there are more customers than restaurants. The eateries are more individual than those who frequent them. Thus, restaurants are an indicator of individual identity.

The Indiana Daily Student

Bands keep the holidays cheery


Bands that wrote songs for the album will perform at Flannelgraph Record’s Holiday Benefit Spectacular. The benefit will begin at 8 p.m. Thursday at The Bishop. Instead of cash, a canned good or clothing donation will be accepted for admission. These will go to the Monroe Country Red Cross.

The Indiana Daily Student

Focus on Fashion


Jewelry can be valuable sentimentally and monetarily. People carry signs of their religion, relationships, relationship status and mood through scraps of fabric, pieces of metal and shiny stones. They use their accessories for more than just tying an outfit together.