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Saturday, Sept. 28
The Indiana Daily Student

The Indiana Daily Student

Activism through art encouraged by Coal-Free IU


The Beehive Design Collective, an organization committed to activism through art, will be making its way to Bloomington today. The group has spent the last two years preparing to show the world “The True Cost of Coal.”


Big band brings swing


The Arthur Murray Dance Studio had the Stardusters Swing Band’s “Let’s Dance” party Friday, and the Gleesons attended as part of their dancing routine.

The Indiana Daily Student

Bologna by Bre


Much like the Midwest, however, Bologna is situated in a relatively flat part of Italy. But you can find the hills, mountains and valleys outside Bologna by venturing on a train. Last Saturday I journeyed to the historic and picturesque town of Urbino, Similar to the quaint town of Nashville, Ind., the journey to Urbino is filled with winding hills and sloping streets. The old-fashioned city makes the perfect getaway to escape the busy city life of Bologna.

The Indiana Daily Student

Concert in store for Singing Hoosiers


IU’s concert show choir The Singing Hoosiers will perform Sunday at the Lincoln Amphitheatre in Lincoln City, Ind. This will be the group’s first traveling performance of the school year. The show starts at 2 p.m. Tickets are $10 per person and $8 per person for groups of 10 or more.

The Indiana Daily Student

'Moo' wows kids


Cardinal Stage Company is performing “Click Clack Moo” during Oct. 8 – 16 at the Ivy Tech John Waldron Auditorium. The first performances will be at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Other times are available later in the week.

The Indiana Daily Student

Riley to release debut album


A few months ago, Ziona Riley was involved in so many musical groups she couldn’t even name all of them, though a few jumped to mind: Upfolk, The School of Synchronicity and Beauty Fall.Now, with her debut album’s release just around the corner, the local musician said she is more focused on recording but still performs frequently.

The Indiana Daily Student

Alumnus ready to jazz Bear's Place


Jacobs School of Music alumnus and jazz musician Marcos Cavalcante will perform Brazilian-style jazz with faculty members at 5:30 p.m. in the back room of Bear’s Place Ale House and Eatery for the Jazz Fable’s Concert Series.

The Indiana Daily Student

Food Life


Everyone imagines study abroad as this surreal experience, but it’s actually hard. You’re in a foreign country, you don’t speak the language and, even if you do, you’re thousands of miles away from your family. Who are you going to talk to? Studying abroad can be incredibly engaging, but it can also be isolating. For most students studying with me in Rome, chocolate gelato boosted the mood during this four-month course.

The Indiana Daily Student

'Colossal' influence on IU cinema


The IU Cinema has an opportunity to change this situation with a rare United States retrospective of Pedro Costa’s films and an appearance by the filmmaker himself. This opportunity begins today with his film “The Artful Tableau of Everyday Life.”

The Indiana Daily Student

Column: Dressing smart


Study abroad is popular among IU students. The students have the opportunity to take in different cultures while expanding their educations.

The Indiana Daily Student

College DJ competition aims to remake Jake's as party house


The future of Jake’s Nightclub will include turntables, dancing and a completely revitalized social scene, at least if senior Derrick Cowit has anything to say about it. Cowit plans to revitalize the scene at Jake’s with The Best College DJ Competition, where DJs from all over IU’s campus will showcase their talents and compete for a Spring Break getaway.

The Indiana Daily Student

Lazersaurus live from the Bishop


Britton will be host for Lazersaurus Live at 11 p.m. today from the Bishop. The broadcast will feature local bands Community Currency and The Delicious and comedian Ben Moore as musical and comedic guests. Now four years running, Britton still has his weekly radio show from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. every Tuesday, featuring various local musicians and comedians as guests.

The Indiana Daily Student

Can O' Worms weekend unleashed on local scene


Fans squeezed into Russian Recording for the finale of the Can O’ Worms Rock ‘N’ Roll Weekend, and the room was packed tighter than a tin of sardines.Numerous bands, many of which are based in Bloomington, came together for the music festival last weekend, and were treated to various bands and types of music.

The Indiana Daily Student

"Bomb/Shell" opens with a bang at Playwrights Project


This was the start of the Bloomington Playwrights Project’s new series of all-original plays titled “Bomb/Shell,” which features eight plays, each lasting no longer than ten minutes and drawing from the theme “Making War Making Peace.”

Italy Column

Bologna by Bre


The land of pasta, pizza and wine is home to a lesser-known invention that may overshadow the aforementioned three: Nutella. The delicious almond, hazelnut and chocolate spread invented by the Ferrero family has been one of the best-selling condiments in Italy since its release in the 1960s. There are even shops called Nutellerias that feature a full menu of items with the chocolate spread as the main ingredient.