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Thursday, Sept. 19
The Indiana Daily Student


IU named top-50 LGBT friendly university


IU was named a top-50 LGBT friendly university by Campus Pride, a nonprofit that works towards created safe and LGBT friendly environments on college campuses nationwide.

The Indiana Daily Student

IU to commemorate WWI


The University is recognizing the centennial anniversary of the beginning of World War I with a commemoration spanning the 2014-15 academic year, according to a press release. 

IU Health Center

IU Health Center undeterred by Supreme Court ruling


Following the Supreme Court ruling in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Inc. that allows corporations to deny covering the cost of contraception in employee health insurance on grounds of religious objections, University doctors and pharmacists at the IU Health Center still strive to make birth control and other contraceptives available and affordable for students.

Dr. Brantly

IU alumnus contracts Ebola virus


Dr. Kent Brantly, an alumus of the IU School of Medicine, contracted Ebola while treating patients with the virus in Liberia as part of an organization for international relief.

The Indiana Daily Student

Indiana Commissioner launches campaign at IUPUI


The Indiana Commissioner for Higher Education Teresa Lubber addressed a group of 400 students and family members to launch the “15 to Finish” campaign today at the Indiana University Purdue University-Indianapolis Campus Center.