New interactive sculpture in Luddy Hall is ‘not human, but alive’
The art installation responds to its surroundings through intelligent systems technology.
The art installation responds to its surroundings through intelligent systems technology.
Messel is already serving time for the murder of IU student Hannah Wilson.
Evan McArdle pleaded guilty today in a stabbing case involving his wife and father-in-law.
Circuit Judge Daniel Manion dissented in part because of the provision concerning fetal remains.
The session will start May 14 and should last only a few days.
Over Little 500 weekend, 58 people landed in the Monroe County Correctional Center.
This year, 102 drinking tickets were issued.
The shooting happened at Bedräk Cafe.
A 12-year-old sixth grader organized a die-in to remember Columbine victims.
The man was staying at his ex-girlfriend’s house when he was arrested.
BPD pulled over a car they thought hit a patrol car earlier that day, but it wasn't the right one.
Here's who is on the ballot in Monroe County and a few of their important issues.
Members of Bloomington’s Black Lives Matters protested the meeting.
The man said he would shoot everyone in the store, an employee told police.
Anticipated increases in sales and rowdy customers generates mixed feelings.
Police around Indiana met Monday to discuss coordination during Little 500.
We broke down exactly where and how Monroe County citizens can vote, and who they can vote for.
Protect IU release a guide advising how to stay safe during spring party season.
Two women made reports of sexual assault to BPD this weekend.
The highest grade Indiana received in the report was a C-.