COLUMN: JFK's mental health assistance legacy lives on
Historians remember John F. Kennedy’s presidency for several reasons. The Bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban missile crisis almost led the world into nuclear war during his administration.
Historians remember John F. Kennedy’s presidency for several reasons. The Bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban missile crisis almost led the world into nuclear war during his administration.
The foundations of the global political landscape are shifting. A growing disdain for establishment politics and socioeconomic strife has given way to a global wave of populist sentiment that has opened the door to the rise of Trump, Britain’s June 24 vote to leave the European Union and a general air of an “us” versus “them” struggle between the everyman and wealthy elites.
The murders of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile at the hands of on-duty police officers last week catapulted the conversation on #BlackLivesMatter into the national spotlight, yet again.
People who are nonbinary, genderqueer, or any nonbinary gender should be allowed to be legally recognized as so. Nonbinary is a gender identity rooted in a lack of male or female gender.
A federal court has officially ruled high speed Internet as utility rather than a luxury and the Editorial Board is hyped. Not only does this mean that the cost of Internet might decrease but also that broadband companies will face increased policing while customers get better protection.
Earlier this month, Congressional Democrats conducted a sit-down protest on the floor of the House of Representatives in order to advocate for gun control following the shooting in Orlando, Florida.
It’s no secret that I love a good millennial era ailment. They are a perfect reflection of today's society, the good and the bad.
Supporting our country’s servicemen and women isn’t necessarily synonymous with supporting the actions they’re forced to take.
The U.S. watched with morbid fascination as one of our closest allies essentially self-imploded last Friday.
While our representatives in the legislative branch are battling it out to decide just how much the government should regulate female bodies, apps that provide women with birth control are quietly gaining popularity.
To clear up the complicated debate, here are two takes on gun regulations
I have debated for a long time whether it matters and what it means to believe in beauty. In queer and gay relationships involving men, they are the ones in control of beauty, especially the masculine men.
The wheels of Donald Trump’s campaign do not go round and round. Apparently, they don’t even work, or represent what an actual campaign looks like.
Following a mass shooting like the one in Orlando, social media becomes abuzz with gun control proponents, viral videos on the subject and sometimes rigorous but usually factually absent debate.
I’ve been living in New York City for the past three summers, and if I’ve learned one thing it’s that people come in all shapes and sizes.
The role of women in the U.S. military has slowly been evolving from caretaker to soldier. Now, thanks to a vote by the Senate to expand the military’s draft policy to include women, women can now be draftees once they reach 18.
Mayte Lara Ibarra and Larissa Martinez each graduated from a high school in Texas earlier this month.
If there were anything positive to be taken from last weekend’s Orlando terror attacks, one need not look further than the outpouring of support for the victims’ families and the United States’ LGBT community.
I’m going to go ahead and jump right in and say tampons and all feminine hygiene products should be free.
I’ve been struggling to find the words to describe how I feel after Sunday’s tragedy in Orlando. Individuals within the LGBT community face challenges every day of our lives.