COLUMN: The cost of justice in Ferguson
Moving forward in Ferguson needs reform and overhaul.
Moving forward in Ferguson needs reform and overhaul.
This guest column addresses a column regarding Beyoncé's halftime show.
Coughing up extra cash for basic human rights.
IDS Editorial Staff, The below letter to the editor is regarding the, "Beyonce draws style from a hate group" column: "Mr. Anderson's recent column clearly cherry-picked facts in an attempt to either distort the history of the Black Panther Party or merely to incite controversy (maybe both?). And many IU faculty, staff, and other students are better equipped than I am to defend the BPP's history and mission. But to me, Mr.Anderson's ignorance, willful or not, is part of a bigger problem here.
Dear Mr. Anderson, I’m sorry that you feel as if Beyonce’s Half-Time performance was an inappropriate example to America’s black community. As an African-American woman who grew up in a south suburb of Chicago, I think I am well versed in the “Black community” as you put it.
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Appreciation for Harding around President's Day.
You should actually read this one, though.
Misconceptions of psychedelic drugs are abound.
Beyoncé's homage to a violence and hate.
The Grammys are a fun concert but not a good judge of music today.
Focus on better allocation of military funding.
Imagination vitalizes the imprisoned mind.
Hillary Clinton doesn't deserve my vote just for being a woman
Zika isn't as threatening as it seems, but stay aware of its potential.
Don't try drug dealers as murderers.
Meet strangers with Rendezwho and answer questions about yourself.
In response to Kanye's Bill Cosby tweet