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Thursday, March 6
The Indiana Daily Student


The Indiana Daily Student

LETTER: Disability harassment happens on our campus


I would like to bring to the attention of the IDS the fact that harassment of disabled students occurs regularly at IU Bloomington. I personally know of physically impaired students who have been harassed in Ballantine Hall for taking the elevator up or down one floor.  And they aren’t just harassed by fellow students; faculty and staff are guilty, too.  Just because someone looks healthy, doesn’t mean that they are.  Invisible disabilities are any of a number of chronic conditions that significantly impair normal activities of daily living while showing no outward signs of the illness. I also know of a physically impaired student who was made fun of recently for riding a scooter in Forest Residence Center.  This is a student who can barely walk—and only for short distances—and only when feeling physically up to it. This same student was also harassed in the Forest parking lot by someone who didn’t think a handicap parking space should be used by a disabled student, even though the appropriate IU parking permit was displayed in the car.  Harassment may be reported to the IU Incident Teams at  (812) 855-8188 or I mention these incidents because they happened to students I know.  And if they can happen to them, they can happen to anyone.  I ask the entire campus community: How would you feel if someone you cared about was ridiculed or harassed because they had a disability?  How does it feel to learn that members of the campus community, whether you know them or not, have to deal with harassment at IU Bloomington on a daily basis? I urge us all to think before speaking, show some Hoosier compassion, and offer to help instead of contributing to an intolerant environment.  I also urge the IDS to investigate and report on the harassment of disabled students on this campus. As an IU alumna, IU employee, and IU parent, I hate to think of Indiana University’s reputation being tarnished by charges of harassment of any kind. Melissa Thorne Bloomington



Those who challenge the validity of Indiana's new, RFRA-protected Church of Cannabis or disdain its new IRS tax-exempt status need to accept the subjectivity of religion.

EDITORIAL: The College of Abandoned Arts


While the explanation for the College of Arts and Sciences budget shortfall falls short, the lack of financial and promotional attention to our less profession-focused school is a result of cultural disinterest. 

The Indiana Daily Student

COLUMN: Women in STEM recruitment tactics appeal to all genders


The University of Washington is being praised for its successes in bringing and retaining more women in information technology fields. They share some of their methods for engaging prospective female students, but the way they are framed come off as a little sexist.

The Indiana Daily Student

COLUMN: You've got mail


The millennial generation communicates with each other on a daily basis through a variety of different platforms.

The Indiana Daily Student

COLUMN: #justPOTUSthings


On Monday, President Barack Obama tweeted from his own Twitter handle for the very first time, greeting the Twittersphere with this light-hearted hello: "@POTUS: Hi Twitter!

The Indiana Daily Student

COLUMN: Snapchat and globalization


Everyone Snapchats. I Snapchat. You Snapchat. He/she/it Snapchats. There is no denying this popular app is a fun way to keep in touch with friends, entertain ourselves and send goofy selfies on the way to class. Since its launch in 2011, Snapchat users not only can send 10-second photos to their buddies, they can use Snapcash, Discover and Campus Stories. With Campus Story, I can see a photo or video a fellow Hoosier uploaded of Showalter Fountain.