For your eyes only
By Tracy
By Tracy
Joanna Zelman, executive editor of the Dodo, posted a compelling piece about the dangers of human insensitivity on her blog.The Dodo, as the name might suggest, helps endangered animals and raises awareness about threats to habitats and animal welfare.
Lifetime is killing me.
No matter your fluency with Mandarin, it doesn’t take long for you to learn the word for “foreigner” when you’re in China.
You’ve got to like IU's chances this year.
Our professors at IU certainly have to balance being on the job and their personal lives.
As a student who is looking to build a career in the art of journalism, I must say I’m extremely disappointed. No, this isn’t another 700-word word rant on the closing of the IU School of Journalism.
The fatal shooting of a firing range instructor in Nevada by a 9-year-old girl last week has lit up the ring for another round in the gun control debate.
I, or rather my opinion, was shot-down by a professor.
In early June Ryan T. Anderson gave a conference at the Stanford Anscombe Society where he argued against gay marriage, saying that it was not something that government or society should grant.I’ve always seen the legalization of gay marriage as a basic human right on terms of equity and human rights.
Within the last few years, it has become fashionable for businesses to declare their stance on gay marriage and create a media storm surrounding the revelation. From Chick-fil-A and Hobby Lobby to Target and Bud Light, we ’ ve heard quite a bit recently about who believes what and why from both sides of the issue.
In a hilarious -
Let’s talk trees. More specifically, let’s talk about our very own trees in the Arboretum and why we’re being withheld the pleasure of walking amongst them to and from class.
No other environment is as conducive to self-exploration and experimentation as college.There is a stigma surrounding religion on college campuses that implies that students who subscribe to a faith are either ignorant, extremists or prudes.In a place where intellect reigns supreme, the notion of believing in an intangible, abstract higher power is silly at best and destructive to society at worst.Wherever a student finds himself in his spiritual journey, college does not mean that he has to walk away from the faith, whatever the flavor may be.The individual is the only person that is capable of understanding the intricacies of his personal beliefs and ultimately, the foundation of his identity.
On Monday, August 25th, two more innocent citizens joined the ranks of victims of American gun violence.
Almost ten years ago, Dave Chappelle walked away from his hit Comedy Central TV show and $50 million dollars, in part because his audience didn’t “get it.”Chappelle wanted us to laugh at racism, but too many of us were laughing with it.It’s a common problem in comedy: the artist’s intent can get lost in the space between the stage and the audience, leaving listeners to create their own meaning.
Barring a few exceptions, each IU freshman is required to live on-campus for at least one year. Freshmen hear all sorts of horror stories, from friends and graduates, before even arriving on campus.
It was 2011, and the tide of revolution across the Arab world was indeed a joy to behold.
A couple of months ago, I was hanging out with friends and we decided to grab some beer. We’re all legal, and we figured it’d be a fun way to chill for the night.
Africa is more than meets the eye.