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Thursday, March 6
The Indiana Daily Student


The Indiana Daily Student

Recycling needs to expand beyond campus


My fellow columnist Natalie Rowthorn wrote last week about the need for easy access to recycling, or at least more awareness of the need to recycle, on campus.Her point was great, more than, and I agreed wholeheartedly with it.

The Indiana Daily Student

Lessons to learn


Only one in four American millennials is “definitely” planning on voting this year, according to a Harvard University Institute of Politics poll.

The Indiana Daily Student

Government spending in the wrong places


Government spending is out of balance. The National Science Foundation, an independent federal agency with a budget of $7.2 billion in fiscal year 2014, spent $300,000 to research how humans interact with bicycles.

The Indiana Daily Student

Blasting Miss America


Miss America has become a controversial conversation topic lately, and it doesn’t have anything to do with her evening wear.The newly crowned Miss America Kira Kazantsev has been accused, with pretty significant force, of extreme sorority hazing during her time as a member of the Alpha Phi sorority at Hofstra University.

The Indiana Daily Student

Federal infiltration


It is estimated that more than 100 college campuses nationwide, including no less than five Indiana college police departments, have scored surplus war-fighting equipment through deals with the Pentagon, according to

The Indiana Daily Student

Channing Patatum


It seems every time I log onto Twitter or Facebook I see some nonsense article such as, "7 signs you're in a perfect relationship" or "Thirteen potatoes that look like Channing Tatum".

The Indiana Daily Student

Frats take a pledge


Sexual assault is a serious problem on college campuses across the country, and IU is no exception.

The Indiana Daily Student

Yes means yes


Yes means yes.These three words, small but mighty, are the backbone

The Indiana Daily Student

Getting a makeover


There are a lot of people frustrated with our government. Maybe it’s party bickering, maybe it’s a lack of transparency, maybe it’s our huge debt.

The Indiana Daily Student

The Cuddlr creeps


A few weeks ago, an app came out that is designed for strangers to meet and cuddle. It’s called Cuddlr.

The Indiana Daily Student

Give me soda or give me death


On Tuesday, the soda companies PepsiCo., Coca-Cola, and the Dr. Pepper Snapple Group announced that they, through a combination of marketing, packaging and distribution, will attempt to cut the number of calories consumed by the average American from sugary drinks by 20 percent.

The Indiana Daily Student

What do the DOE and guns have in common?


It seems that I have to keep writing columns about how over-militarized our country is, and yet no one really seems to pay attention. Well, now it seems that the government has gone as far as to give bookkeepers submachine guns.

The Indiana Daily Student

Gimmick or act of genius?


Imagine watching your favorite movie in black and white and without dialogue. What would change? You would certainly notice things you hadn’t noticed before: the nuance of the actors, the subtlety of the director’s choices in lighting, staging, etc., the austerity of the colorless world in which the film exists, and many other things.Or you would get bored.This is precisely what director Steven Soderbergh did to the 1981 Spielberg classic “Raiders of the Lost Ark.”

The Indiana Daily Student

The paradox of racial discourse


There has been a lot of controversy over the use of the word “redskins” – a racist slur towards Native Americans.

The Indiana Daily Student

Assault and Pepper


Sam Pepper is under fire after posting an offensive “prank” video of him pinching women’s butts in public.The video features Pepper sporting a fake arm tucked inside a sweatshirt pocket.

The Indiana Daily Student

Taking after Gamma Delta


Millennials are fast becoming one of the most depressed age groups in the country, according to the American College Counseling Association, which reported in 2012 that, since 2000, there has been a 16 percent increase in mental-health visits on college campuses.