LETTER: IU must do more to help undocumented students
The University must take a stand against immoral legislation
The University must take a stand against immoral legislation
The disappointing IUSA voter turnout is a symptom of a larger issue
You can't always wait on opportunity to come to you
Big business is in bed with government
We are, indeed, causing carbon emissions
75 years ago this week, President Roosevelt issued an executive order which designated “exclusion areas” from which “any or all persons” could be removed by the military.
Two fringe political groups are in Bloomington
The Tweeter in Chief has wasted no time demonstrating that his administration has no intentions of holding back, and does not care about science.
Dear Senators Donnelly and Young, We write to you as proud American Jews, Indiana residents, and pro-Israel college students.
As part of Indiana University’s commitment to create environments in which all students, faculty, and staff feel welcomed, the university is proud to honor the backgrounds and identities of the members of IU’s community through heritage month celebrations. Through programming and other means of support, IU’s Office of the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Multicultural Affairs (OVPDEMA) endorses: Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month (April), LGBT Pride Month (June), Hispanic-Latino Heritage Month (September), LGBT History Month (October), and Native American Heritage Month (November). And of course, February is Black History Month. When it comes to the heritage months, I believe that as a community, IU should be curious about learning more about all cultures throughout the year — not just for a month at a time.
More than 170 student leaders signed the letter.
If I can be completely honest, I am scared for the direction this country is taking. How are we expected to teach younger generations about respect for others’ differences when our nation’s leader consistently double-downs on supporting his inflamatory rhetoric.
For those who read my previous letter to the editor on Thanksgiving, I neglected to mention what I am thankful for.
Cryptocurrency shows us why we should separate money and state.
Think about others on your holiday of thanks.
We must turn to more substantive methods of protest.
Walking across our campus as Nov. 8th approaches, it’s hard not to see at least one ‘Make America Great Again’ stamped hat or overhear one conversation about moving to Canada if Trump wins.
When people think of the Office of the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Multicultural Affairs (OVPDEMA), there’s a tendency to focus on diversity as it relates to race and ethnicity on Indiana University’s campuses.