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Friday, Jan. 24
The Indiana Daily Student

EDITORIAL: Kenya burns ivory


Last Saturday 105 metric tons of elephant tusk ivory was burned in 11 pyres around the Nairobi National Park in Kenya as part of removing ivory from the multi million dollar illegal ivory trade in Kenya.

The Indiana Daily Student

COLUMN: Talking back


Talking during movies is seen as rude or inappropriate. But what people don’t realize is that talking at the screen has served as a form of resistance to hegemonies since screens have existed.

The Indiana Daily Student

COLUMN: Women to register for the draft


On Tuesday, Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell announced, “  given where we are today, with women in the military performing virtually all kinds of functions, I personally think it would be appropriate for them to register [for the draft] just like men do.” according to the Portland Press Herald.

The Indiana Daily Student

COLUMN: Obama's LGBT record


Last Friday, the U.S. Departments of Justice and Education released a joint statement to protect transgender students in public schools. The statement said that “Under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, schools receiving federal money may not discriminate based on a student’s sex, including a student’s transgender status.

EDITORIAL: 28 pages later


Over the past 18 months, the Federal Reserve has been quietly releasing documents from the 9/11 commission that ended its investigation in 2004.  The documents focus on Saudi Arabia's involvement with 9/11.

EDITORIAL: A single payer system


We have all heard criticism of the Affordable Care Act or Obama Care ad nasuem. Most of the criticism comes from people who oppose the Affordable Care Act because they feel that the law is too close to universal health care. Last Thursday, a group of 2,000 doctors released a proposal in the American Journal of Public Health that calls for a single payer health care system in U.S.

The Indiana Daily Student

COLUMN: Bernie or bust


I have news to break with supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders. It’s looking increasingly likely that Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee for President.

The Indiana Daily Student



Nobody cares about IUSA anymore. The average voting rate for the student body is now at less than 15%, and the voting ballot is now even easily accessible online.