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Thursday, March 6
The Indiana Daily Student

The Indiana Daily Student

COLUMN: Healthcare security needs to shape up


All around the United States, hospitals now face increasingly more attacks on their technology infrastructure. On March 31, California based Alvarado Hospital Medical Center reported a “malware disruption.” Kentucky based Methodist Hospital stated on March 22 that it was operating in an “internal state of emergency” after attackers locked all the hospital data on its network.

EDITORIAL: Free speech under fire


The presidential debate has taken a new format – side walk chalk. Across the nation universities have been battling with a new freedom of speech debate focused on chalk messages scribbled across campuses.

EDITORIAL: Moose on the Loose


It’s a sad day when a student can’t get their fix of Chocolate Moose. And it might be a sad semester for many of us now that the building will be temporarily closed down.  The Chocolate Moose will be closing down and rebuilt to a new four-story building, according to store owner Justin Loveless.  The Editorial Board is saddened by this news, but we hope the new restaurant will be better for giving students their ice cream.

EDITORIAL: Uneasy acquaintances


One handshake can tell it all. The latest meeting between President Obama and President Raúl Castro began with a bungling of a greeting. The failed handshake between the two leaders showed the uneasiness that still exists between the two nations and the shaky ground that this new relationship will be resting on.

The Indiana Daily Student

COLUMN: New York governor provides positive


It is well known that parents have some of the hardest jobs in the world. The United States government compounds that by giving them the hardest time after they have a new child with one of the shortest paid leave periods in the world. Gov.

The Indiana Daily Student

COLUMN: Addressing the state of American politics


On Monday, April 4th, College Republicans at Indiana University held an event, where they watched a speech given by Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, on the state of American politics. At the meeting, students watched the speech, and then discussed the state of American politics, and the Republican Party.

The Indiana Daily Student

Letter: Pay attention to your surroundings


On Monday, March 28th, I got to meet a young lady driving a 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee.  She drove thru a stop sign at 11th and Woodlawn and hit me.  I was driving a Kubota, you’ve seen the orange vehicles driving all over campus.  Mine had lights on and a yellow strobe light on the roof, and has a max speed of 18 mph.  She hit me in the right front wheel and passenger door, pushing me into the oncoming lane, over the curb and stopping 25 feet away on the sidewalk.  It could have been much worse; I could have been flipped, pushed into oncoming traffic or hit a pedestrian standing on the sidewalk.  I’m lucky, just bruised and very sore.  I have no idea why she did not see me, what she was doing or why she didn’t simply stop at the sign that has been there for years.  She said she was going to class, and since we are creatures of habit, she has probably been that way before. My point for all of this is that every day I see students, staff and faculty trying to do too many things at once.  Headphones, earbuds and cell phones are a major problem.  No one pays any attention to their surroundings or safety.  People walk down the middle of streets instead of being on the sidewalk two feet to the left.

The Indiana Daily Student

Letter: Trump opened my eyes


I must admit, I am 35 years old and have never voted. I have always believed the system is corrupt, my one vote does not count, and that nothing will change.

The Indiana Daily Student

LETTER: Taking advantage of the farmer's market


Bloomington’s Farmer’s Market is a place to buy local food grown by local farmers. Yes, there are special guests but this should not be the focus of this event and this is why I am responding today.

The Indiana Daily Student

COLUMN: Naturalness bias


Last month, a Scientific American article drew attention to a pressing social issue raised in a Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin paper published in late 2015.