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Friday, Sept. 20
The Indiana Daily Student

The Indiana Daily Student

Open the gates, free the trees


Let’s talk trees. More specifically, let’s talk about our very own trees in the Arboretum and why we’re being withheld the pleasure of walking amongst them to and from class.

The Indiana Daily Student

College is to religion as ...


No other environment is as conducive to self-exploration and experimentation as college.There is a stigma surrounding religion on college campuses that implies that students who subscribe to a faith are either ignorant, extremists or prudes.In a place where intellect reigns supreme, the notion of believing in an intangible, abstract higher power is silly at best and destructive to society at worst.Wherever a student finds himself in his spiritual journey, college does not mean that he has to walk away from the faith, whatever the flavor may be.The individual is the only person that is capable of understanding the intricacies of his personal beliefs and ultimately, the foundation of his identity.

The Indiana Daily Student

What's in a name


Since the 1970’s, there has been an on and off public debate about the appropriateness or

The Indiana Daily Student

NRA breeding fear


Telling people that their lives are constantly in danger is not only wrong, it’s irresponsible. The NRA has a right to exist and plan a conference in our capitol, but that doesn’t make their arguments correct.

The Indiana Daily Student

The cradles of hate


Us-versus-them implies a zero-sum game. It makes the veiled case that what someone else gains, I must necessarily lose.