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Monday, Jan. 6
The Indiana Daily Student


The Indiana Daily Student

Iraqi government says more U.N help needed for elections


BAGHDAD, Iraq -- Iraq's interim government complained Wednesday that the United Nations isn't doing enough to help prepare for January elections, saying the organization has sent fewer electoral workers than it did when tiny East Timor voted to secede from Indonesia.

The Indiana Daily Student

Draft issue key among young voters


WASHINGTON -- Sen. John Kerry says re-electing President George W. Bush would create "the great potential of a draft." Not so, responds the incumbent: "The best way to avoid the draft is to vote for me."

The Indiana Daily Student

American Indian museum opens in D.C.


When freshman Jasmine Alfonso witnessed the opening of the National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C., last month, she had never seen so many American Indians in one place in her life.

The Indiana Daily Student

Bush, Kerry fight for swing states


WASHINGTON -- Eight states worth just 99 electoral votes are up for grabs in the closely fought presidential race, with the White House going to whomever conquers this shrinking battlefield.

The Indiana Daily Student

U2's Bono, Georgia congressman honored for civil rights work


MEMPHIS, Tenn. -- U2 lead singer Bono and a civil rights leader from Georgia received awards Monday from the National Civil Rights Museum at the site of Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination. Bono, a native of Ireland, was honored with the international Freedom Award for promoting greater Western involvement in improving medical care and reducing poverty in Africa.

The Indiana Daily Student

Iraqi prime minister to extend arms-for-cash program


BAGHDAD, Iraq -- Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi announced plans Monday to extend a cash-for-weapons program for Shiite fighters in Baghdad's Sadr City to cities nationwide in an attempt to disarm the country. In Fallujah, the focal point of the Sunni rebellion, hopes that peace talks could resume there quickly were dashed when the city's chief negotiator, Sheik Khaled al-Jumeili, ruled out restarting talks soon despite his release Monday from U.S. custody.

The Indiana Daily Student



Bloomington Parks and Recreation holds annual skull workshop Real animal skull remains will be examined in detail during Bloomington Parks and Recreation's program demonstrating how animals' skeletal adaptations are key to their survival.

The Indiana Daily Student

Sharon: Nothing will deter Israeli pullout


JERUSALEM -- Facing unrelenting criticism from Jewish settlers, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said Monday nothing would deter him from pushing forward with his plan to pull out of the Gaza Strip and parts of the West Bank.

The Indiana Daily Student

Ambassadors seek enduring friendship


The U.S. ambassador to Mongolia said she hopes the two nations can regard each other as "friendly neighbors" Friday at the annual Mongolia Society Conference.

The Indiana Daily Student

Court rules searching protesters unlawful


ATLANTA -- Fear of a terrorist attack is not sufficient enough reason for authorities to search people at a protest, a federal appeals court has ruled, saying 9-11 "cannot be the day liberty perished."

The Indiana Daily Student

Chicago privatizes Skyway toll road


CHICAGO -- Chicago has reached a $1.8 billion deal to let a private consortium operate the Chicago Skyway toll road -- a trailblazing agreement the city said will save it money on maintenance and allow it to pay off millions of dollars in debt.

The Indiana Daily Student

Electoral problems could make Colorado the next Florida


DENVER -- Colorado could end up writing an ugly sequel to the Florida election nightmare of four years ago. County clerks have been swamped with a surge in voter registrations, thousands of felons are on the voter rolls and there is widespread confusion about how provisional ballots will be counted and voting rules will be enforced.

The Indiana Daily Student

Getting out the vote might be key for election victory


WASHINGTON, D.C. -- With the televised debates behind them, President George W. Bush and Sen. John Kerry have little opportunity further to shape the presidential race except by waging an intense effort in the home stretch aimed at getting out the vote. Voters have a pretty good idea now what Bush and Kerry are all about. There isn't much room for either one to "define" his opponent or himself.

The Indiana Daily Student

Sharon says Gaza settlers will pull out next summer


JERUSALEM -- Prime Minister Ariel Sharon late Thursday ordered a troop pullout from a refugee camp, defense officials said, signaling that a two-week offensive in northern Gaza that has left more than 100 Palestinians dead could be easing. The move came hours after Sharon announced that all 8,200 Jewish settlers will be pulled out of the Gaza Strip starting next summer and the operation will last 12 weeks.

The Indiana Daily Student

Bomb attacks in Baghdad's Green Zone kill 10


BAGHDAD, Iraq -- Insurgents penetrated Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone and detonated explosives at a market and a popular café Thursday, killing 10 people, including four American civilians, in the first bombings inside the compound housing the U.S. and Iraqi government headquarters. A top Iraqi official said the attacks appeared to have been suicide bombings. The attack was a bold assault on the heart of the U.S.-Iraqi leadership of the country and a district seen as one of the few relatively safe refuges for Americans in the capital.

The Indiana Daily Student

U.N. report criticizes Israel on human rights


JERUSALEM -- Israel is guilty of severe human rights violations in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, including "wanton destruction" of Palestinian homes, according to a U.N. report obtained by The Associated Press on Thursday. The 18-page report was prepared by John Dugard, the U.N. representative for human rights, and charges that while some of Israel's actions can be explained by security concerns, many cannot.

The Indiana Daily Student

Candidates tackle key election issues


The following are President George W. Bush's and Democratic presidential nominee Sen. John Kerry's responses to issue questions posed by The Associated Press. Stem Cell Research Q: What should the federal role be in financing stem-cell research?

The Indiana Daily Student

IU to host Mongolia Society


The U.S. Ambassador to Mongolia will be speaking at the Mongolia Society meeting today at 9 a.m. in Woodburn Hall room 101. Ambassador Pamela Slutz and Deputy Mongolian Ambassador to the U.S., Ts. Jambaldorj will be two of the dignitaries attending the conference. The State Department's new Mongolia desk officer will also be present. IU is holding the annual meeting in conjunction with the Central Eurasian Studies Society conference. Featured events will include research paper presentations, film viewings and musical performances.